Register now to join our 3 day challenge.
29th to 31st AUGUST
This Challenge is 100% Free
Education technology, remote/hybrid learning and personalised learning have all been booming in recent times. Now that people are able to return to schools and classrooms, many are choosing not to. With this shift comes a huge opportunity for every teacher, trainer, coach, consultant, educator and speaker who has embraced the education crisis to change the teaching and learning experiences for this next generation.
Whether you’re a teacher, home-based educator, home-schooler, edupreneur, trainer, coach or mentor looking at being at the center of this accelerated edutech boom, we have the solutions to help you succeed in building an Education 5.0 and Community 5.0 plan.
You will learn the essential Education 5.0 keys to building a strong education plan while connecting with a global educator community. Join us to reset, restructure and launch your plan to navigate and thrive in the digital decade.
It’s time to turn the great disruption into your greatest opportunity for growth.
This Challenge is 100% Free!
Explore the concerns and issues around an outdated education system. Identify your unique talents, passions, purpose and opportunity.
Consider examples of education solutions that support independent, personalised learning and future-ready skills development for today’s students. Explore a pathway to develop your own solutions to the education challenges you have identified.
Discover tools and strategies to support real-world learning experiences for young people. Explore how to support students to become active, inquisitive learners.
This Challenge is 100% Free!
Wanting to change the way education is designed and delivered to students.
Looking for an opportunity to contribute to the education revolution, but not sure how!
Looking to develop skills to support a natural way to learn.
Wanting to start an education consultancy or business but don’t know the next steps to take.
If you really want to step up and make the change,
this challenge is right for you. Register NowThis Challenge is 100% Free!
Genius School offers child-centred, personalised learning pathways, igniting the genius in children, creating self-aware lifelong learners who are empowered, future leaders.
Founded by Roger James Hamilton, social entrepreneur and futurist, and Angie Stead, an edupreneur leading location independent educational solutions.
Genius School has a global team of edupreneurs delivering programs in schools and communities, including micro camps, micro courses, programs for schools, retreat camps, microschools for young people.
The traditional education experience is often disengaging, irrelevant and redundant with a one size fits all model. Genius School is a model that is personalised and individualised, bringing out the unique genius in every child.
Creator of Genius Educator Certification
AAngie is the Founder of the Genius School and creator of the Genius Educator Certification. After purchasing her first Early Childhood center in New Zealand in 2011, she became owner/director of 3 more childcare centers in Wellington and Manawatu regions and a national home based business Education Angels.
The Philosophy of Angie’s educational centers, as well as Genius School programs, is geared towards providing a nurturing environment for children, nurturing their individuality and teaching about emotional intelligence / self-awareness through a personalized curriculum where they learn respect for themselves, each other and the environment.
Teen Dynamics Leader/Mentor
Karen Bonanno is an Australian-based educator and national provider of professional learning for teachers. She also owns an education consulting business focusing on helping tweens, teens and young adults find their true potential. As a Global Genius Educator with Genius School, she is involved in leading and delivering the Genius School Curriculum.
“The GEC program helped me prepare to work with kids in microcamps, YEA and my own coaching programs. The instructors were very experienced in education and offered concepts and teaching tools to support different student TDYP profiles. I especially loved meeting and staying connected with all the educators and planning events together.”
- Sylvia Tam | United States
This Challenge is 100% Free!
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