This page has been created as a resource for all educators. Please refer to this page if you are looking for any information relating to the program.
Complete the Flow Consultant Micro Degree and the Genius Educator Micro Degree.
You should be able to access both Micro degrees without further payment, please contact the Genius School team at if you are unable to do so.
It is a mandatory requirement that all Genius Educators, before commencing any work with children, secure documentation that identifies you have completed the required standards for working with children in your country of residence. For example, police check, criminal record check and teacher registration. It is your responsibility to maintain this individual registration at all times as you will be asked to produce this documentation before facilitating Genius School programs.
All Genius Educators are set up with an admin account to manage their profile tokens. You will receive an email in the first week of the 10 Day Educator Training with information on how to access your token portal. There is one portal that allows you to manage your Talent Dynamics and Teen Dynamics tokens.
You are able to do so on your admin portal at a special discounted rate.
You may price the tokens as you wish when you are reselling them, we recommend the retail price of $97, so if you sell or package for less, please quote that this is a special and the retail price is $97.
Upon completion of the 10 Day Training, the Genius School team will provide opportunities for educators to be involved as co-facilitators in Genius School other programs. You will be paid for your co-facilitation subject to the scheduling of the program in a time zone that is suitable for the educator and based on enrolment numbers.
If you require further training, the team will discuss with you the options available for your ongoing professional growth.
Every third Wednesday of the month at 7PM New Zealand time. You can check the timezone for yourself by using or an equivalent time converter.
Please check this Google Sheet for the Q&A and where you will find the link to the call recordings.
Genius School Webinar Recordings
If you missed any of our webinars, the recordings can be found here.
Genius Educator Recordings
This is a library of videos that are exclusive to our Certified Educators. It covers additional content from the Genius School team or community. It is in the Library tab of the Genius Educator Circle in GeniusU.
Monthly Call Recordings and Q&A Sheet
All our monthly calls are recorded and can be found on the last tab of this spreadsheet. This is where you can post your questions for the call, even if you can’t join the call. Angie and the team will respond during the call and you can listen to it on the recording.
Genius School Webpage
All programs offered by Genius School will be posted here, as well as our sponsor and partner information.
Genius School Events
To find out what programs we have coming up, visit the events section in the Genius School circle on GeniusU. You can find a link to share the event as well there.
Your licence to practice as a Genius Educator is valid for 12 months from the date of your certification. Your certification is valid upon the successful completion of the Genius Educator Training. Your licence will need to be renewed at the end of the 12 months for you to continue to be recognised as a certified Genius Educator with Genius School.
The Genius School logo can be used to indicate that you are a Certified Genius School Educator. For example, on your signature. Please note that you have to be a licenced Educator to do this.
Please contact the Genius School team if you would like to use any photos or other images from our websites or printed materials. As these may include photos of children and will require consent from their parents/guardians.
Please note: All Genius School programs are hosted on the GeniusU platform. Should you wish to advertise these on your personal website we highly recommend you use the copy from the GeniusU content and you must link to the relevant program on the GeniusU platform. This provides a consistent message to all users, a sense of a global presence for Genius School, and the opportunity for you to use your affiliate link to the event. If you need any assistance with this please contact us at
The name Genius School can only be used by the Genius School team and is not to be used to set up accounts/companies, groups/accounts in social media or any webpages using this name.
+ How do I review Talent Dynamics for Young People debrief information?
There are two sections in the Micro Degree that covers that. Here’s the link to the Micro Degree -
+ I have more than one GeniusU account, how do I merge them?
I have more than one GeniusU account, how do I merge them? Instructions to merge your GeniusU profile can be found here. If you have already tried and need support, please email
+ I would like to run my own Genius Camp, how do I access the content?
Once you have completed the Genius Educator Certification Training you will be given access to the Genius School Micro Camps microdegree where you will find information and resources to support you in the delivery of a Genius School Micro Camp.
+ Can I run my own Young Entrepreneur Academy or Teen Quest?
Both programs are only run by Genius School at the moment. If you would like to be a part of the team for either program, please drop us an email.
We have a global team that monitors this email so do send us an email if you have any questions. Depending on the time zone we will endeavour to respond within a 24 hour period during weekdays.